Owner and operator of this website is the company with the name "Drosos Mihas" . The headquarters of our company are located at Agios Nikolaos Kalymnos 85200, Greece with VAT Number EL108153745.


 Before visiting and using this website and the services provided by it, users / visitors / customers are invited to read carefully and comply with the following terms and conditions (hereinafter the "Terms") governing the use of our online store and the web pages it contains, which are binding for all visitors, users and customers. The user / visitor / customer of the site automatically accepts these Conditions, if he chooses to register as a member thereof. Use of our online shop and the services we offer, involves unconditional acceptance of these Terms by users / visitors / customers. In case a user / visitor / customer disagrees with these Terms, he is asked not to make use of this site.

The administrator of the website GOFISHING.COM.GR has the right at any time without prior notice to revise, amend or abolish these terms unilaterally, according to his judgment, but at the same time update and upload the present text of any modification change or addition. He also reserves the right to establish specific terms of use, which are considered as a whole with the present general terms of use, but in case of conflict between them and the general terms, the specific conditions of use prevail. Eventual removal of some of these Terms shall not render void the others. Failure to exercise our rights under these Terms does not imply a waiver of those rights, nor entails a silent termination of those terms. The owner of the company can not be held responsible for violation of these Terms due to force majeure, including without being limited to earthquakes, fires, floods, extreme weather, strikes etc.

Any user / visitor / customer visits this website entirely at his own responsibility, and the contents in no way can be considered as providing advice or encouragement, direct or indirect to users / visitors / customers to take any action.


The use of this website should be done exclusively for lawful purposes and in a way that does not impede it’s use by others. The visitor / user / customer is obliged to use it in accordance with the law, honest morals and the current Terms and not to engage in actions or omissions that may cause damage or malfunction to the site, or affect, or endanger the provision of services by the site GOFISHING.COM.GR.

This website and the services offered through it aim exclusively to adults. It is prohibited for minors to use or to visit it and to conclude transactions. Our site GOFISHING.COM.GR bears no responsibility for any visit to this website and use by minors, as the identity of incoming users / visitors / customers can not be verified.

Company "Drosos Mihas" is trying to maintain and ensure the availability of the website and its content. Regardless of these efforts, the availability of this website depends on several factors such as the equipment used by visitors, the number of users trying to simultaneously connect to this website, or to the internet connection, etc. Company "Drosos Mihas" is also entitled to maintain the website GOFISHING.COM.GR, even if this results in the interruption of its operation.

Company "Drosos Mihas" is also entitled at any time and without notice to alter the nature and content of this website and to suspend, or discontinue temporarily, or permanently the operation of the website GOFISHING.COM.GR. It may also stop, suspend, or prevent the operation of this website for reasons beyond the control, or the will of company "Drosos Mihas".

Company "Drosos Mihas" is making every effort to ensure the accuracy, completeness, validity and clarity of the information and the overall content of this website. Company "Drosos Mihas" does not guarantee, nor can be held responsible by users / visitors / customers, for the safety and the content of the site GOFISHING.COM.GR.


Our company is not responsible for side effects and damages caused from the use of ordered goods, due to incorrect product selection by the user, careless or improper use of the products, or manufacturer's fault, such as fault during construction, incomplete information or lack of instructions accompanying the products, use of low quality or low safety materials and other defects. Our liability in the case of a defective product is limited to the obligation of replacement if the return conditions are met.

Our company is not responsible for shortcomings in the availability of products on grounds of force majeure, weather conditions, fire, strikes, non-availability on the side of suppliers, illegal conduct of third parties and generally reasons not attributable to the fault of GOFISHING.COM.GR.
Our company "Drosos Mihas" is not responsible for any temporary or permanent inability to provide services, or for delays in accepting and executing orders and delivery of ordered goods for reasons not attributable to the fault of the company such as force majeure, extreme weather, natural disasters, emergencies, strikes, fire, malfunctions of partner courier companies, accidental deterioration or destruction before the delivery of the goods to the user, illegal interventions of the counterparty or a third party, dysfunction of the provider of Internet Payments (Bank) or Internet service provider (ISP) or the access service provider (Access Provider) or the user's terminal equipment, incorrect reporting by the user and generally any event that prevents the proper fulfillment of its contractual obligations. The liability is limited to the Company’s contractual commitment with the consumer and will make every possible effort to respond within a reasonable period of time to them.

This online store provides the content (eg information, names, photographs, etc.), the products and services available on an "as is" without any warranty expressed, or implied in any way. Also, our site GOFISHING.COM.GR may not guarantee that the content of this website and the quality of services through it will meet the needs, requirements and expectations of users / visitors / customers. Any direct, incidental, indirect or consequential damages arising from access to this website or its use, does not create liability to the site GOFISHING.COM.GR or the company "Drosos Mihas", its employees, associates, or suppliers.

Company "Drosos Mihas" and it’s website GOFISHING.COM.GR under no circumstances will be held liable for any legal claims (civil and / or criminal nature), or for any damage (direct, circumstantial or consequential which, without limitation, alternatively and / or cumulatively constitutes a loss of profits , data, compensation, etc.), by users / visitors / customers of this website, or third parties, on grounds related to the operation or not and / or to the use of the website and / or inability to provide services and / or information available through it and / or any unauthorized third party interventions to products and / or services and / or information available through it. In addition company "Drosos Mihas" will not accept any liability for loss or damage or contamination by viruses and / or other malicious programs to a computer or other electronic means used by the user / visitor / customer that has access on this website, nor be liable for damages in connection with execution failure, error, omission, interruption, defect or delay in operation, etc.

This website, in order to facilitate and better serve users / visitors / customers is not providing connection “links”, hyperlinks, or advertising banners, to third party websites. Our site GOFISHING.COM.GR can neither guarantee nor be held responsible for the content, privacy policies, safeguards, security policies, completeness and quality of service of third party websites. The connection to these sites and web pages is the sole responsibility of each user / visitor / customer. These third party providers of the websites and webpages, have full (civil and criminal) responsibility for the safety, legality and validity of the content of their web sites and web pages. Consequently, users / visitors / customers are obliged to address directly to these third party providers for anything resulting from the visit or use of these websites and webpages. Users / visitors / customers of this website accept that our site GOFISHING.COM.GR is neither obliged nor capable to test the security and content of third party websites and services to which it provides access. We withhold however the right to remove, modify or discontinue any third party or connection to third party websites service if in our opinion it threats or breaches the law or the Terms.

Behavior and obligations of users / visitors / customers

Users / visitors / customers are required to adhere to all relevant Greek, European and international laws and regulations, including but not limited to laws relating to intellectual property protection, data privacy, protection of competition etc. Also the users / visitors / customers must make use of this website and the services offered through this, in a manner consistent with fair practice, and the current Terms.

The users / visitors / customers agree that they will not use this site for sending via e-mail, transmit, or publish, in any other manner content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, libelous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, profane, libelous, violating the privacy of others, showing empathy, or is racial, ethnic or other discrimination, which may cause harm to minors in any way and which should not be transmitted in accordance with the law, contractual relations, managerial relations (such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or covered by confidentiality agreements), or content that violates intellectual or industrial property or other proprietary rights of third parties, which contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, or destroy operational equipment, computer software or hardware.

Any user / visitor / customer of this website is obliged never to commit any acts, or omissions that may harm, or disturb it’s operation and third party access to it, or put at risk the provision of the services offered by our site. The use of the website in an unlawful manner or in a manner which is contrary to these terms, might raise claims for compensation from company "Drosos Mihas" for any damage, or loss suffered by that behavior. It is also required that each user / visitor / customer will not provide false information and refrain from impersonating any other person, will not send unwanted or group messages, or multiple copies of messages and will not collect information about other users / visitors / customers from our website without their consent, including financial data and electronic addresses.

To the extent possible the use of this website in the wider internet community, should be done under the conditions dictated by the "Code of Conduct Users Internet (Netiquette). The use of practices that oppose the code is strictly prohibited.

If a user / visitor / customer of this website fails to uphold the applicable law and / or these Terms, entitles the site GOFISHING.COM.GR to take necessary measures and to take all necessary action to address this behavior. Thus, in such cases, our company "Drosos Mihas" will be forced to restrict access to services provided via this website or to delete, edit or move messages, always respecting the principle of proportionality.

Any costs or damages that our company "Drosos Mihas" may be required to pay due to infringement by the user / visitor / customer of his obligations under the Terms, shall be borne by the user / visitor / customer who is obliged to provide them to our company directly without the need to bring the matter to the courts.

Intellectual Property

This website and its content, including images, graphics, photographs, texts, information materials, services and products, trademarks, names, distinctive signs, any form of data, software, unless otherwise stated for certain third party rights are the intellectual and industrial property of company "Drosos Mihas" and protected in accordance with the relevant provisions of Greek and European law and international conventions. Also, anything that is copied, moved, broadcasted or sent via this website constitutes property of our company "Drosos Mihas" provided that this is feasible legal.

The intellectual property is obtained without requiring any further formality and without the need for a contract or restrictive clause against it’s abuse.

Any copying, modification analog / digital recording and mechanical reproduction, distribution, transmission, downloading, processing, resale, rental, storage, printing, creation of derivative works, or misleading of the public about the real provider of the website and its content is expressly prohibited.

The names, images, logos, trademarks and distinctive features presented in the site GOFISHING.COM.GR are the property of our site GOFISHING.COM.GR or third parties and are protected by Greek, European and international intellectual property laws. Their use is expressly prohibited without prior written permission of company "Drosos Mihas", or the legal beneficiary. Products, names, logos and trademarks of third parties displayed on this website are the intellectual and industrial property of those who bear exclusively the responsibility for them.

In any case, the appearance and uploading of the above in this website should in no way be construed as a transfer, or granting of the right to use them, in an expressive or implied manner.

The information submitted by the users / visitors / customers of this website are accounted for as non-confidential information and do not constitute property of the user / visitor / customer. Still, our company "Drosos Mihas" may collect limited and necessary information for it’s overall commercial activities.


The administration of the website GOFISHING.COM.GR and the protection of personal data of users / visitors / customers of this website shall be governed by the relevant Greek and European legislation and the stipulated Terms.

During visiting and/or using this website and in order to facilitate the provision of services through it, it is likely that the users / visitors / customers to be asked for information relating to (eg by name, occupation, telephone number, email address, date birth etc.). The personal data entered by users / visitors / customers anywhere on the web pages of this website are intended solely to ensure the operation of the service and must not be used by third parties without complying with the applicable laws. Personal data of users / visitors / customers which are required by our site
GOFISHING.COM.GR are limited to information necessary for the operation of the electronic shop and the services offered through it, according to the provisions of Law. 2472 / 1997 on the protection of personal data and of the l. 3471/2006 on the protection of data in e-commerce, as these are applicable each time.

The site GOFISHING.COM.GR may collect, store and process personal data of users / visitors / customers of this website only if the data is provided voluntarily by stakeholders, for the following purposes:

  • for the services chosen by users / visitors / customers of this website (eg purchase of products, information about new products, participation in competitions, etc.).
  • to better serve the users / visitors / customers.
  • to collect information from users / visitors / customers (feedback) about the products and services of our site GOFISHING.COM.GR and improve based on the information collected.
  • to inform the users / visitors / customers about the new products of our site GOFISHING.COM.GR on the provision that they consent to contacting them.
  • to inform the users / visitors / customers about promotional offers and competitions run by our site GOFISHING.COM.GR, on the provision that they consent to contacting them.
  • the advertising and promotion by our site GOFISHING.COM.GR for products, on the provision that they consent to contacting them.
  • market research and communication with users / visitors / customers, on the provision that they consent to contacting them.
  • to improve the awareness of our site GOFISHING.COM.GR.

Personal data provided voluntarily by users / visitors / customers may be gathered from the administration of the website GOFISHING.COM.GR archived, stored and processed by it for relevant purposes.

The holder and responsible for handling personal data collected in the above manner and the file created for these purposes, will be the administration of our site GOFISHING.COM.GR based at the headquarters of which the above mentioned file will be created and saved.
The personal data provided by users / visitors / customers of this website may be forwarded to affiliated companies for operational and IT service purposes, in order to facilitate its business relationship with these users / visitors / customers as well as for statistical and historical reasons. If the user / visitor / customer has completed the relevant field and has consented to send him information and promotional material, our site GOFISHING.COM.GR may, after informing the user / visitor / customer communicate his personal data to third parties for advertising promotion of the products they offer, as well as to companies making market research or other similar activity.

The users / visitors / customers who have been notified that their personal data are being held by our site GOFISHING.COM.GR have the following rights:

  • The right of access the data relating to them, stored by the our website GOFISHING.COM.GR.
  • The right to access information on (a) all the personal data concerning them, and their origin; (b) the purpose of processing these data; (c) the recipients or categories of recipients (c) the progress of the processing at the time since the previous update or informing them, (d) the logic of the automated processing; (e) where appropriate the rectification, erasure, or blocking (locking) of the data whose processing does not comply with the provisions of law. 2472/1997.
  • The right to object the processing of their data.
  • The right of temporary judicial protection.
  • The consent of participants in the collection and processing of their personal data may be revoked at any time but without retroactive effect.

Company "Drosos Mihas" and website GOFISHING.COM.GR complies with all legally imposed obligations. The subject of personal data is entitled to request at any time the interruption of any task by the site GOFISHING.COM.GR relevant to that information such as but not limited to sending promotional material. To exercise the right of objection conferred by n. 2472/1997 the subject of the personal data must request the specific action in writing by the controller, such as the correction of personal data concerning him, the temporary non-use of the data, the non-transmission, or deletion of them.

If the user / visitor / customer voluntarily discloses on his own, his sensitive, personal data through this website directly to third parties, it is his responsibility to investigate the terms of protection of such data by such third parties. The user / visitor / customer accepts that the site GOFISHING.COM.GR has no responsibility whatsoever for such disclosures for any subsequent use of such data by other persons. Similarly, the site GOFISHING.COM.GR bears no liability for any disclosure by the users / visitors / customers of this website of personal and / or sensitive data to third parties through the website without the prior consent of the data provider.

Any user / visitor / customer guarantees the accuracy and authenticity of his personal data and submits them and his right to submit these data to the site GOFISHING.COM.GR.

The site GOFISHING.COM.GR objects to the collection of private data of minors and its policy is not to collect or process data of people under the age of 18.


The website GOFISHING.COM.GR recognizes the importance of the issue of security of personal data of users / visitors / customers of this website and makes every reasonable effort, with the most modern and advanced methods to ensure their safety. The users / visitors / customers must however be aware that sending confidential information via e-mail is not the safest way communication, as always carries the risk of reading such information from third parties.


Like most websites the website GOFISHING.COM.GR uses cookies to access certain information each time a user / visitor / customer navigates through the online store. Without cookies it would be impossible for our site GOFISHING.COM.GR to provide users / visitors / customers of this website’s important services such as order status, product storage to cart etc..

The cookies are alphanumeric files transferred to computer hard drive of the users / visitors / customers of a website and are used for keeping statistical data necessary for the provision of services such as those mentioned above, as well as to define the popular websites or for marketing purposes and to provide easy access to the user / visitor / customer of the website.

The cookies do not pose risks to the computer of the user / visitor / customer of the website. If someone does not want information collected through cookies, you may set the navigation program (browser) on the Internet, to delete the existing hard disk cookies and choose whether to automatically reject all new cookies, or to be asked each time a cookie will be installed on the computer hard drive if you want to reject or accept. Nonetheless, the users / visitors / customers should be aware that the choice of rejecting cookies makes it more difficult or impossible to use categories and services of the website.

What types of cookies does this Website use?

1) Cookies necessary for the functionality of the Website

The necessary cookies are required in order to enable the full functionality of theWebsite, and are used for

  • The automatic recognition of registered users after their registration / login
  • The automatic recognition of visitors’ settings and choices, such as the Site language
  • The automatic recognition of visitors as subscribers or non-subscribers of our Newsletter
  • The automatic recognition of visitors during the order process and the identification of their shopping basket.

2) Third Party Cookies

The Website uses cookies provided by trusted third parties, and in particular:

  • The Website uses Google Analytics which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytics solution on the web for helping us to understand how you use the site and ways that we can improve your experience. These cookies may track things such as how long you spend on the site and the pages that you visit. For more information on Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.
  • The Website uses social buttons and/or plugins of social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest. They allow you to share comments / ratings / pages / bookmarks etc on these social networks and provide easy access to social networks and their online tools. .

Note that we do not control the contents of Third Party Cookies and we recommend you check their respective privacy policies.

How long will cookies stay on my device?

The length of time a cookie will stay on your computer or mobile device depends on whether it is a "persistent” or "session” cookie. Session cookies will only stay on your device until you stop browsing. Persistent cookies stay on your computer or mobile device until they expire or are deleted.

Disabling Cookies

You can prevent the setting of cookies by adjusting the settings on your browser (see your browser Help for how to do this). Be aware that disabling cookies will affect the functionality of this Website and will result in the loss of certain functionality and features of this Website. Therefore it is recommended that you do not disable cookies.

Promotional and Informative Messages

The user / visitor / customer of this website has the opportunity, if he so wishes, to request to be informed about new products featuring on our site GOFISHING.COM.GR and / or in our natural store, as well as any other offers, by sending advertising - information messages via telephone, e-mail, or by mail. The user / visitor / customer who wishes so, may request to discontinue such messages. Our site GOFISHING.COM.GR enables users / visitors / customers of this web site to download the newsletter in their email address if they declare that they want this service.

Order of Goods and Consumer Protection

The implementation of orders through the e-shop, is a sale contract, concluded remotely governed by the legal framework of the Greek Law. 2251/1994, as amended.

The user / visitor / customer has the possibility of concluding a valid order via our e-shop, if he is capable of respecting contractual Articles Greek Civil Code, (if he has completed the eighteenth year of age and is not subject to guardianship for the award of contract of sale). Orders can be made by the representatives of legal guardians and the company reserves its right to claim from the supervising guardian of any orders carried out by legally incapable persons.

Procedure to order via our E-Shop:

CAUTION: In case you reside outside Greece, we would like to ask you not to order any product in liquid or spray form as it will be flagged as dangerous goods and restrictions during transportation will apply.

1. Filling in a special form with the necessary data to conclude the sales contract.
2. The acceptance of the terms of the sales contract and the conditions of use, through the use of the electronic "Accept" given by the person concerned on the website.
3. To facilitate and accommodate all those who wish to buy from our online store, our site GOFISHING.COM.GR offers you with the following payment methods:
a. Cash on delivery (only for Greece) once you receive the products.
b. Deposit in one of the following bank accounts under the name of Drosos Mihas

    • Τράπεζα Πειραιώς IBAN: IBAN: GR / SWIFT CODE: PIRBGRAA)

The customer is fully informed by the respective product presentation on the website, before the completion of the order, about the essential characteristics of the product, its price, size, transport costs, payment, delivery, and the right of withdrawal.

By sending the order form, the consumer receives a copy of the order online, which he can store.

All prices clearly stated next to each product include VAT (24%), but not the cost of shipping, while the site GOFISHING.COM.GR reserves the right to adjust prices without being obliged to inform it’s customers before hand. Discounts and offers for products are valid until the stock is depleted.
There is no minimum value per order. If the user carries out orders that exceed the amount of 70 euros within the Greek territory, regardless of the payment method, the order is exempted from shipping costs. For orders which are less than 70 euros , the shipping expenses in Greece amount to 00 euros.

The prices of the products that are not in stock or pre-order are valid for 7 days from the date the order was placed.

The delivery time depends on the shipping company (courier) with which our company cooperates. The site GOFISHING.COM.GR informs the client that transport times are based on information provided by the carriers and are only indicative and approximate. The site GOFISHING.COM.GR therefore is not liable for any delay on the part of transport operators.

Product Returns

In the case of a proven mistake by our company, we will refund you in full the money corresponding to the value of the order and the shipping costs. In the event that any error on the part of our company does not arise, only the amount of money corresponding to the value of the products is returned, while the shipping costs are borne exclusively by the customer. In the event that the product has a defect, a replacement is made in consultation with our company on the phones 2243022496 and 6946468929, or by e-mail. Returns are accepted by agreement and only if the products are unused and in their original condition. The return is always made with one of the cooperating courier companies of the gofishing.com.gr store. In the event that the customer wishes to use a different company from those cooperating with gofishing.com.gr, then the shipping costs are borne by him and the gofishing.com.gr store reserves the right not to receive the package. If the product is used or the original packaging is damaged, the return is not accepted. Your refunds are made within 10 days of receiving the products. In the event that the return is not made within the time period (10) of ten calendar days from the day of receipt or some of the return conditions are not met, gofishing.com.gr has the right not to accept the products back and not to proceed in their place. Before returning the product, you should contact the gofishing.com.gr store.

Product sending

As long as the gofishing.com.gr store has been contacted by phone, pack and send the package with the product with one of the cooperating courier companies. Inside the package you will have placed a note in which to inform us of the problem that has arisen with the returned product as long as the product meets the return conditions. In case the package arrives and it turns out that the return conditions do not apply, the product will not be accepted as explained in detail above. It will be returned to the customer and the shipping costs will be borne by the customer.

Cancellation or Modification of Order

The cancellation or modification of an order can be done at any time, except in the case where the order has already been delivered to the courier company. In this case, the customer has the obligation to receive the order and then proceed with the return process, as described above. For the cases of cancellation or modification of an order that has not yet been shipped, the buyer can contact the gofishing.com.gr store in time via email or by calling 2243022496 and one of our associates will take care of canceling your order.

These Terms are subject to Greek law and interpreted in accordance with it. If any provision is held to be invalid or voidable by the competent Greek court will lapse, without affecting the validity of the remaining Terms.